How To Build A Colorful Garden Bench Using Pallets

When trying to make the nearly of your outdoor space, seating is a must on that listing. Nearly outdoor seating options can be costly, or difficult to find exactly what you are looking for. I am going to bear witness you a way to make a bench using woods pallets.

Beautiful summer outdoor pallet bench diy View in gallery

First step to the wood bench View in gallery

The get-go step is to take autonomously the forest pallet. This was a pallet with some really strong and sturdy pieces of forest.

Cutting apart wood pallets View in gallery

Using a  saw zall (a electrical, power saw), and severing any pieces of the pallet that tin come apart. Most of this can be torn apart but just sawing where the screws are. If you do not have a saw zall, using a tool t pull apart the pallets is useful likewise. Annihilation to become the task done of pulling it all apart.

Cutting longer wood View in gallery

Taking on of the longer pieces of pallet wood and cut it in half, down the middle.

Making bench frame View in gallery

This volition go the frame for the seat itself on the bench. Cut two long, and two smaller. This created the forepart, dorsum and sides to the bench. My bench is measuring 77 inches long, 21 inches wide and 18 inches tall for the legs. I chose this size bench mainly because it was the length of the longer wood from the pallet. In that location was no guessing with sizes. I likewise had a large place I was going to put it, then this could exist a picayune over sized and fit nicely.

For piece cuted View in gallery

One time the 4 pieces were cut, set them in a rectangle shape. With ends touching and creating the corners.

Using long screw building wood pallet bench frame View in gallery

Using long screws and a automatic drill and screwing ii into each corner. The longer ones were needed to get through the wood.

With the frame made View in gallery

With the frame made, it is fourth dimension to put in the pallets for the seat itself. I had another pallet, which I took apart. Lining upwardly the pallet planks to the length of the bench frame.

Steps to building pallet the bench View in gallery

Set up the bench frame on the pallet planks. To come across how things line up.

Tracing pallets for bench View in gallery
Use a maker for tracing View in gallery

Using a marker and tracing around the frame onto the pallet planks. This will show where the cutting needs to happen for each pallet plank to fit on the bench.

Cutting bench boards View in gallery
Cutting pallets View in gallery

One time all were marked properly. Cut, using a tabular array saw along the line on each of terminate of the pallet planks. Going 1 plank at a time.

Diy wood pallet bench View in gallery

Line them all upwardly to confirm that no boosted cuts need to be made.

Nailing in pallets for bench View in gallery

If all fits and information technology the right length, nail into place.

Un smoothed corner of wood View in gallery

Here is where using pallets can be a little daunting. Because they are pallets, the surface of them are rough. At that place is a lot of prep that needs to become into making them not be painful and too rough when sitting on them. The commencement step for us was softening the edge of the superlative with a router.

Using router for edge View in gallery
Routering edge of bench View in gallery

Using a rounded bit for the superlative of the router. Running information technology forth the side edge of the bench top. This will give the feeling and appearance of a rounded edge.

Pallet routered edge View in gallery

This can be done with but sanding information technology as well if you exercise not accept a router tool. One time all 4 sides have been routered, it is time to sand the top. I should note that the routered edge appears uneven in places. Because I used pallet wood for this, not all widths, thickness of wood, and heights was the aforementioned. Having a somewhat imperfect border works really well for this and does not demand to be stressed as well much.

Rough wood pallet bench View in gallery

Sanding the acme of the bench is needed besides. This will permit people to sit on it with shorts or a sun dress without getting cuts from the wood.

Sanding bench automatic machine View in gallery

I used a automatic sander for this, to move the task along. This can be washed with a regular piece of sand paper and just scrubbing abroad as well.

After wood is sanded down View in gallery

I but sanded off enough to give the surface a smooth finish when running my manus along it.

There are tons of options for painting colors View in gallery

There are a few options for finishing off the expect of this bench. I am choosing to make this be super bright and cheery with a lot of dissimilar paints. Setting the bench top down. I purchased a number of bright paints. I just purchased sample sizes, since I would not need a lot of paint of each color.

Set colors on each plank View in gallery

Set them on each plank. There was going to have to exist a few repeats in color's for some planks. I was very mindful of making certain in that location was colour spread out. For example, no green right next to another greenish. Making the whole demote of unlike colors on information technology.

Painting using a paint brush View in gallery

Using a paint castor and painting forth the wood grain. In this case it was painting in a up and down motion on each plank.

How to paint the diy bench View in gallery

I did not use any painted tape. If in that location was a mess upward, using a newspaper towel or wash cloth chop-chop and wiping off the moisture paint did the trick.

Painting individual pallets on bench View in gallery

For near colour'due south I merely needed to do one coat, the sanded seemed to do the trick of letting the pigment adhere to the wood nicely. I likewise selected all outside paints for this project. This will permit the paints to final longer. The location I am putting my bench gets a lot of straight sunlight and pelting. If you are putting yours in a covered area, or within, using interior paint would be fine. Once the paint was dry out, information technology was time to motility on with this project.

Building wood pallet bench prepare View in gallery

I am using a iv×4 for the legs. This will have a beefy look to the bench, and give the bench the needed back up.

Cutting 4x4 legs View in gallery

Marker the decided height I wanted. Cutting with the tabular array saw along the marked line. I cut 4 of these to make the bench legs.

Putting legs for pallet bench View in gallery

Fix the legs under the bench top to ostend that all are fifty-fifty.

Screwing in legs for diy bench View in gallery
Connecting legs to bench View in gallery

If all lengths seem to be right, screw into place. With the 4×iv being very thick, be sure to check the size of screw needed. The screw needs to exist able to go through the complete four×4. Otherwise it will not be help together correctly.

Stainging furniture how to View in gallery

The bench is at present set to exist stained! I selected a outdoor, walnut cease for the staining of the legs and demote frame. Because this stain has both outside elements likewise as the clear protective coat in it, the stain is very thick. Dip the material into the stain.

How to stain pallet furniture View in gallery

Wipe the stain and cloth on the woods, going along the grain. With the thick consistency of this, using a footling less and then smoothing the stain into the wood is all-time. A piffling goes a long way with this. I did not even accept to re-dip the fabric very often. Just simply wiping and re-wiping the already stained area was enough to spread the stain out on the whole of the forest.

Wood stained furniture View in gallery

Merely i coat was needed for this stain to be good to go.

Backyard multicolored pallet bench View in gallery

This demote is done! It is bright, colorful, and screams all things summer to me.

Colorful wood pallet bench retreat View in gallery

When planning a outdoor infinite, think of it as a retreat, a extension of your home. In making this experience as cozy every bit possible, dress information technology up. Add some fun and outdoor friendly pillows.

DIY wood bench from wood pallets View in gallery
Decorate the wood seating area View in gallery

Don't forget to add together some flowers, shrubs or other greenery. This can make the space feel well thought out and fully complete.

Summer entertaining furniture colorful design View in gallery

In doing this you are encouraging yourself every bit well equally your gusts to lounge, relax, visit, enjoy, and go together. Yous take a designated and comfy seating surface area.

Closer look to the pallet outdoor seating View in gallery

When decorating for a outdoor space, using lots of fun colors and having them pop is a great idea. These colors could exist a chip much inside a abode, but exterior where information technology is streaming with color and life this DIY wood pallet demote fits right in!

Make the most from your outdoor with acolorful pallet seating View in gallery
Colorful outdoor seating for backyard View in gallery


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