Funny Terms Conditions Privacy Policy Generator

Privacy Policy generators are the online tools and applications that help you create a privacy policy for websites, mobile apps, and Facebook pages. It helps you save your time creating important policy documents that are compliant with CalOPPA, COPPA, and GDPR.

These applications also enable you to download your privacy policy in HTML and text format. Many such tools allow you to copy-paste generic privacy policies directly to your website.

Following is a handpicked list of Top Privacy Policy Generators with their popular features and website links. The list contains both open source (free) and commercial (paid) software.

BEST Privacy Policy Generators

Name Policy Covered Supported Platform Cookie Policy Link
Termly CCPA, CalOPPA, GDPR Mobile apps, Website, SaaS, eCommerce site Yes Learn More
GetTerms GDPR, CCPA, CalOPPA Ready Website, Mobile Apps, SaaS Yes Learn More
iubenda GDPR, CCPA, CalOPPA Websites, Mobile Apps Yes Learn More
WebsitePolicies CalOPPA, CCPA, CalOPPA Websites, Mobile Apps Yes Learn More
TermsFeed GDPR, CalOPPA, CCPA SaaS apps, eCommerce stores, Websites, Facebook apps, Mobile apps Yes Learn More

1) Termly

Termly is a tool that enables you to generate a privacy policy for Facebook apps, websites, and mobile apps. It easily complies with laws like CCPA and GDPR. This application offers customization tools to help you make customized privacy policies for your business.



  • You can generate your policy using an intuitive builder.
  • Enables you to make a privacy policy for Google Play or App Store application.
  • This privacy policy generator for website helps you to meet online business standards.
  • Policy Covered: CCPA, CalOPPA, and GDPR.
  • Supported Platforms: Mobile Apps, Website, SaaS, eCommerce site
  • Cookie Policy: Yes

2) GetTerms

GetTerms is a tool to generate a privacy policy for websites and WordPress blogs. It can be used to generate privacy policies according to the law in the USA, Australia, UK, and more countries. It is one of the best free privacy policy generators that includes standard terms of service documents.



  • You can generate GDPR compliant (General Data Protection Regulation) privacy policy in Spanish or English.
  • It is one of the best free privacy policy generators that provides easy-to-read policies.
  • This privacy policy generator for websites can be used without creating account.
  • It provides easy-to-read policies.
  • Allows you to create a policy for an eCommerce website.
  • You can generate standard privacy policy for the website.
  • Policy Covered: GDPR, CCPA, CalOPPA Ready
  • Supported Platforms: Website, Mobile Apps, SaaS
  • Cookie Policy: Yes

3) iubenda

iubenda is an application that helps you to update and maintain your cookie and privacy policy. It enables you to customize clauses according to your desire. This application also allows you to create a cookie policy with ease.



  • Privacy policies are available in more than eight languages.
  • You can manage multiple documents using intuitive dashboard.
  • This standard website privacy policy generator can find which services you need to add to your privacy policy.
  • Allows you to add custom text to your cookie policy.
  • You can seamlessly integrate your privacy policy text into a web page.
  • Policy Covered: GDPR, CCPA, CalOPPA
  • Supported Platforms: Websites, Mobile Apps
  • Cookie Policy: Yes

4) WebsitePolicies

WebsitePolicies is an application that helps you create a privacy policy for your website and mobile app. It is compliant with privacy laws across multiple legislations and countries. This program offers tools like terms and conditions, refund policy, and disclaimer for your business.



  • This privacy policy generator complies with PayPal, Amazon Associates, Stripe, etc.
  • Offers free privacy policy page hosting.
  • Provides automatic updates.
  • You can add a privacy policy for your WordPress blog.
  • Supports HTML and text format.
  • Policy Covered: CalOPPA, CCPA, CalOPPA
  • Supported Platforms: Websites, Mobile Apps
  • Cookie Policy: Yes

5) TermsFeed

TermsFeed is a four-step process generic privacy policy generator. It enables you to get a privacy policy by entering general and business information and disclosures.

This application will ask you questions depending on the functions of your business. It includes pertinent details into your final privacy policy. This tool can also be used to generate EULA, cookies, return/refund policies, etc.



  • It can generate all legal documents.
  • This standard website privacy policy generator offers agreement templates.
  • Provides live chat support.
  • Allows you to download and edit your privacy policy.
  • You can generate privacy policy for mobile apps and eCommerce stores.
  • Policy Covered: GDPR, CalOPPA, CCPA
  • Supported Platforms: SaaS apps, eCommerce stores, Websites, Facebook apps, Mobile apps
  • Cookie Policy: Yes


6) Shopify

Shopify is one of the best generic privacy policy generators to help your business comply with the privacy law. This easy-to-use application enables you to generate a privacy policy according to your business services or products. It also offers terms of service generator for your business.



  • It allows you to make policies for eCommerce websites.
  • You can get all your privacy policy content in your email address.
  • It helps you to quickly generate a privacy policy.
  • You can generate standard privacy policy for a website.
  • Policy Covered: GDPR
  • Supported Platforms: Websites
  • Cookie Policy: No


7) PrivacyPolicies

PrivacyPolicies is an application that enables you to generate a generic privacy policy for your WordPress website, Facebook page, mobile app, etc. It supports multiple formats like TXT, HTML, PDF, or DOCX. This tool offers templates for terms and conditions and GDPR privacy policy.



  • You can customize privacy policies according to your need.
  • This privacy policy generator for websites is available in more than five languages, including English, Spanish, and French.
  • Offers a free privacy policy page for your website.
  • You can download and edit the policy according to your wish.
  • Policy Covered: GDPR, CCPA, CalOPPA
  • Supported Platforms: Website, Mobile Apps
  • Cookie Policy: Yes


8) FreePrivacyPolicy

FreePrivacyPolicy is a tool to generate a privacy policy for your business website and mobile application. It helps you to comply with GDPR and COPPA. This application enables you to download the privacy policy to your computer with ease.



  • Offers free tools to create a privacy policy for eCommerce websites.
  • It is one of the best free privacy policy generators that provide clauses for AdSense and Google Analytics.
  • It offers easy to generate policies from questionnaires.
  • You can copy-paste privacy policy information.
  • Policy Covered: CalOPPA, COPPA, GDPR
  • Supported Platforms: Website
  • Cookie Policy: Yes


9) Privacy Policy Online

Privacy Policy Online is a website that helps you to generate a privacy policy for your site or mobile application. This site complies with international laws on user data privacy.



  • Allows you to create privacy policy terms and conditions from a simple web form.
  • This privacy policy generator for the website also provides Terms & Conditions generator and Disclaimer Generator.
  • Offers HTML file for privacy policy to copy-paste in your website code.
  • This standard website privacy policy generator provides custom policy according to your need.
  • You can generate standard privacy policy for a website.
  • Policy Covered: GDPR, CCPA, CalOPPA
  • Supported Platforms: Website, Mobile Apps
  • Cookie Policy: No


10) Shift4shop

Shift4shop is an online tool that helps you to generate online privacy policies for eCommerce stores and websites. It offers free templates to create a privacy policy by filling a simple form.



  • It is one of the best privacy policy generators that enables you to generate privacy policy documents with a few mouse clicks.
  • The privacy policy document can be easily edited and copy-pasted to your website.
  • Policy Covered: GDPR
  • Supported Platforms: Website
  • Cookie Policy: Yes


11) Firebase

Firebase is a simple and easy-to-use app that helps you to generate a privacy policy for your website, Android, or iOS application.



  • You can easily create documents for terms and conditions by filling a simple web form.
  • You can create a privacy policy for mobile OS like iOS, Android, or KaiOS.
  • Supported Platforms: Website
  • Cookie Policy: Yes



❓ What is a Privacy Policy?

A Privacy Policy is a legal document or statement that states the ways a party gathers, utilizes, manages, and discloses the data of a customer. It contains how your personal information is collected, stored, and released by the business.

⚡ Which are the Best Privacy Policy Generators?

๐Ÿ… Do you need a GDPR privacy policy?

You need GDPR privacy policy in two cases:

  • If your business is established in European country, then you may need GDPR policy to collect and processes personal data.
  • In case, if you are in a business that offers services or goods to European people or monitor their behavior.

๐Ÿš€ Can you create a privacy policy yourself without help of a lawyer?

No. You do not require a lawyer to generate a privacy policy. It does not have any legal requirement that can be done by attorney. There are numerous online tools that can help you to easily generate privacy policies without prior knowledge. However, if your business practices are complex, then you may require a lawyer to write legal documents.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Can you copy someone else's privacy policy?

No. You should not copy other people's privacy policy. This could be problematic from a copyright perspective. It may also not contain all the elements applicable to your business.

You have to consider the particularities of your application or website, the way you collect personal information, third-party tools, etc. It is preferable to consider laws that apply to you as well as your requirement.

❗ Should you pay for a privacy policy?

Privacy policies are important for eCommerce websites, blogs, and mobile apps. Free solutions for generating privacy policy documents are not good as it may not cover your required things. You should always choose a custom-made policy as it is highly comprehensive. It is better to spend money for these type of services to avoid future litigation.

๐ŸŒŸ What is a standard privacy policy?

There is no 'standard policy', but many service providers offer generic samples or templates that you can easily customize according to your need.

๐Ÿš€ Do you need a privacy policy for your blog?

You require a privacy policy for your blog because of the following reasons:

  • Peace of mind: If you want to get protection from legalities, you need a privacy policy for your blogs. Having a privacy policy for your blogs or articles makes you feel confident.
  • Transparency: Privacy policy helps you to improve the transparency between you and your readers/ visitors. It shows that you are taking care about their privacy. The privacy policy documents enable them to handle and store private information according to their desire.
  • Legal protection: A privacy policy for your blog may protect you from paying a fine. If you do not secure your site, you may have to suffer from future problems. Therefore, it is good to have a privacy policy for your blog.

๐Ÿ… What are the advantages of a privacy policy generator?

Here are the advantages of privacy policy generators:

  • It can generate many types of legal documents.
  • It offers agreement templates.
  • You can easily generate privacy policies for mobile apps and eCommerce stores.
  • Helps you to meet online business standards.
  • Offers privacy policies in numerous languages.
  • Provides automatic updates.
  • Supports HTML and text format.
  • Allows you to easily store your privacy policy.
  • You can use it without any requirement of accounts.
  • Allows you to create a privacy policy for an eCommerce website.

⚡ Where do you put a privacy policy?

The most common place to put your privacy notice or privacy policy is the footer of your site.

๐Ÿ’ฅ What is PII (Personally Identifiable Information)?

Personally Identifiable Information is any data that can be utilized to identify a specific person. PII includes IP address, social media posts, login ID, digital images, etc.

❓ What laws require websites to have a privacy policy?

Following laws require websites to have a privacy policy:

  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): GDPR is a law that protects the personal identification information of European Union residents. This also applies to businesses outside Europe.
  • CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act): This is a new privacy law that protects the personally identifiable information of California residents.
  • UK DPA (United Kingdom Data Protection Act): This law protects the PII of UK residents. It is also applies to businesses outside UK.
  • CalOPPA (California Online Privacy Protection Act): It is a law that applies to any site that collects the personally identifiable information (PII) of California residents.
  • PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act): It is a privacy law that protects the personal information of Canada residents.
  • DOPPA (Delaware Online Privacy and Protection Act): It is a law that applies to sites that collect the personally identification information of Delaware residents.
  • Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603(A): This privacy law protects the personal information of Nevada residents.

๐Ÿ’ฅ What is the difference between privacy policy and cookie policy?

Cookie policies refer to the use of cookies on any website. You can use it according to your desire, while privacy policies are related to the procedures of data gathering on sites like contact forms, mailing lists, etc.


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